Prayer for healing and protection

Prayer for healing and protection


Prayer for healing and protection is so powerful that it can heal any sickness and disease. It will protect you from all evil. Prayer for those who suffer will give strength to stand in times of adversities.

Spirit of the Lord, Spirit of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Most Holy Trinity, Immaculate Virgin, angels, archangels and saints of heaven, descend on me. Found me, Lord, mold me, fill me with you, and use me. Hunt away all the forces of evil, destroy them from me, so that I may feel good and work well.

Hunt away the evil spells from me, the sorceries, the black magic, the black masses, the invoices, the ligatures, the curses, the evil eye; the diabolic infestation, the diabolical possession, the diabolical obsession; all that is evil, sin, envy, jealousy, perfidy; physical, psychic, moral, spiritual, diabolic disease. Burn all these evils in hell, so that they never again touch me.

I ordain and command with the power of almighty God, in the name of Jesus Christ the savior, through the intercession of the Immaculate Virgin, to all the unclean spirits, to all the presences that molest me, to leave me immediately, to leave me definitively, and to go into the eternal hell, chained by St. Michael the Archangel, St. Gabriel, St. Raphael, our guardian angels, crushed under the heel of the Immaculate Virgin.

Lord Jesus, I adore you and thank you for the faith you gave me in baptism. You are the Son of God made man, you are the Messiah Savior. At this moment I want to tell you "There is no other name under heaven given to men in which we can be saved". I accept you, Lord Jesus, in my heart and in my life: I want you to be the absolute Lord. Forgive my sins, as you have forgiven the sins of the paralytic of the Gospel.

Purify me with your divine blood. I put my suffering and my illness at your feet. Heal me, Lord, with the power of your glorious wounds, with your cross, with your Most Precious Blood.
You are the good Shepherd and I am one of the sheep of your sheepfold: have pity on me. You are the Jesus who said: "Ask and it will be given to you".

Lord, the people of Galilee came to lay their sick at your feet and you healed them. You are always the same, you always have the same power. I believe that you can heal me because you have the same compassion that you had for the sick you met, because you are the resurrection and the life. Thank you, Jesus, for all you will do: I accept your plan of love for me. I believe you will show me your glory. Before you even know how to intervene, I thank you and praise you. Amen.

Lord Jesus, you have come to heal the wounded and troubled hearts: I pray you to heal the traumas that cause upset in my heart. I beg you, in particular, to heal those who are the cause of sin. I ask you to enter my life, to heal me from the psychic traumas that struck me at an early age and from those wounds that caused them all my life.

Lord Jesus, you know my problems, I place them all in your heart as a Good Shepherd. I pray to you, by virtue of that great wave open in your heart, to heal the small wounds that are in mine.
Heal the wounds of my memories, so that nothing that has happened to me makes me remain in pain, in anguish, in worry.

Heal, Lord, all those wounds that have caused sin roots in my life. I want to forgive all the people who have offended me; look at those inner wounds that make me unable to forgive. You have come to heal the afflicted hearts, heal my heart. 

Heal, Lord, those intimate wounds of mine that cause physical illness. I offer you my heart: accept it, Lord, purify it and give me the feelings of your divine heart. Help me to be humble and gentle.
Grant me, Lord, healing from the pain that oppresses me because of the death of loved ones. May he regain peace and joy for the certainty that you are the resurrection and the life.

Make me an authentic witness of your Resurrection, of your victory over sin and death, of your presence as a living among us. Amen.

O Lord you are great, you are God, you are Father, we pray to you for the intercession and with the help of the archangels Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, so that our brothers and sisters may be freed from the evil one. From anguish, from sadness, from obsessions.

We pray to you, deliver us, O Lord, from hatred, from fornication, from envy. We pray to you, deliver us, O Lord, from thoughts of jealousy, anger, death. We pray to you, deliver us, O Lord, from every thought of suicide and abortion. We pray to you, deliver us, O Lord, from every form of bad sexuality. 

We pray to you, deliver us, O Lord, from the division of family, from every bad friendship. We pray to you, deliver us, O Lord from every form of curse, invoice, witchcraft and any hidden evil. We pray to you, deliver us, O Lord.

Let's pray: O Lord you said: "I leave you peace, I give you my peace", through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, grant us to be freed from all curse and to always enjoy your peace through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Kíríe eleison. Lord our God, or sovereign of the ages, omnipotent and omnipotent, you who have done everything and everything will transform with your sole will; you who in Babylon have transformed the flame of the furnace seven times more into dew and that you have protected and saved your saints, three children.

You who are a doctor and doctor of our souls: you who are the salvation of those who turn to you, we ask you and invoke you, frustrate, drive out and put to flight all diabolical power, every presence and satanic machination, and every evil influence, every evil or evil eye of evil and wicked people operated on your servant (name).

Grant that in exchange for envy and spell there will be an abundance of goods, strength, success and charity; you, Lord who love men, stretch out your mighty hands and your very high and powerful arms and come to help and visit this image of yours, sending on it the Angel of peace, strong and protector of soul and body, that will keep away and drive out any evil force, every venom and malice of corrupting and envious people; so that under you, your servant, protected with gratitude, sings to you: "The Lord is my rescuer and I will not be afraid of what man can do to me".

And again: "I will not be afraid of evil because you are with me, you are my God, my strength, my powerful Lord, Lord of peace, father of future centuries". 

Yes, Lord our God, have compassion on your image and save your servant (name) from any damage or threat from an evil spell, and protect him (name) by placing him above all evil; through the intercession of the more than blessed, glorious Lady the Mother of God and always Virgin Mary, of the resplendent Archangels and of all your saints. Amen.

Lord Jesus, during your life on our earth you have shown your love, you have moved in the face of suffering and many times you have restored health to the sick bringing back joy to families. Our dear (name of the person.....) he is (seriously) ill, we are close to him with all that is humanly possible. But we feel powerless: really life is not in our hands.

O Lord, sickness has knocked on the door of my life, uprooted me from my work and transplanted me into "another world", the world of the sick. A hard experience, Lord, a difficult reality to accept. And yet, Lord, I thank you for this illness: it made me touch the fragility and precariousness of life, it freed me from so many illusions.

Now I look at everything with different eyes: what I have and what I am, does not belong to me, it is your gift. I discovered what it means to "depend", to need everything and everyone, not to be able to do anything alone.

I felt loneliness, anguish, despair, but also affection, love, the friendship of many people. Lord, even if it is difficult for me, I say to you: "Your will be done!" Please bless all the people who help me and suffer with me. And, if you want, give healing to me and others.
Almighty God, source of life and remedy of all evil, give me the security of your presence so that it can have confidence only in you. For this reason, wrapped in your love and your power, may I (name of person) receive healing and salvation, according to your free will.
Among my sorrows you alone are my strength. Thank you, Lord, because you are with me. Amen.

O Lord, patient rescuer, you accepted as the will of the Father the bitter cup of your passion and your death. Listen to my complaint, and your example helps me to endure my suffering to participate, at least in part, in your passion.
May the patience with which I bear my pain express the profound gratitude of my love for you, you who are the crucified Christ. Amen.

I bless you Lord, for all those who now sleep a peaceful sleep. I pray for those who cannot sleep, tormented in soul and body. I lift my heart to you who look at me in the darkness of the night; I rejoice in this merciful look of yours, which envelops me tenderly and reassures the whirlwind of my agitation. My eyes are turned to you, oh Lord. Amen.

Lord, I have a soul full of bitterness and I risk being overwhelmed by discouragement. And yet, You had foreseen this suffering of mine! I then go wondering why you did not use your omnipotence to avoid it. But I immediately think back to the fact that, in order to save the world, you yourself chose, among a thousand formulas at your disposal, that of sorrow, and paid yourself in incredible measure. 

If the pain did not have in itself an immense power of redemption and good, you would not have chosen it for the implementation of your plan of love, and even less would you have reserved it for your dearest friends.

It is undoubtedly a strange, almost disconcerting law. But you assure me that it is the law of life and salvation. Give me, then, oh Lord, the strength to accept it, in the clear vision of this its priceless prerogative.

Give me the profound conviction that this suffering of mine melts with your passion and your pain, and thus acquires incalculable value. If in a moment of weakness if I make a gesture of revolt, protesting my innocence, remind me, O Lord, that you yourself, though infinitely good, have been crucified! And it renews in me the courage to accept what this mysterious law of pain holds for me, which every day is restoring the right to hope in the world. So be it.

Lord, give me good digestion and also something to digest. Give me the health of the body and the good mood needed to maintain it.

Give me, Lord, a simple soul that knows how to treasure all that is good and does not get scared at the sight of evil but rather always finds a way to put things right. 

Give me a soul that does not know the boredom, the grumbling, the sighs, the groans and not allowing me to feel too much for that too cumbersome thing called "I." Give me, Lord, the sense of good humour. Grant me the grace to understand a joke to discover a little joy in life and be part of it also to others. Amen.

Lord Jesus, I have said this prayer from the bottom of my heart. May this prayer for healing and protection gives strength to all who are indeed in need of strength and protection. You alone are our Lord Jesus. Help us. Amen
Also read, Bible verses for healing

Prayer for healing and protection Prayer for healing and protection Reviewed by blaisepatrick on November 15, 2019 Rating: 5

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