Judgement of God how will he judge us

Judgement of God how will he judge us

Judgement of God, how will he judge us?

Judgement of God,how will he judge us?, God will judge us by 5 things Ten Commandments, The Law of Love, Jesus Christ himself, Sins of omission, missed opportunities.

God’s Judgement
God knows your sins, you can't hide 'em from him. There's no use trying to cover up. You see, the first big cover up in history was Adam and Eve. They tried to cover their sins with fig leaves. Every man that's ever committed a sin has tried to cover it up. But we cannot cover from the x-ray eyes of God. He sees, he knows. And he's going to judge us.

You say, well, I'm feeling fine. I haven't been judged yet. Ah, yes, but that Day of Judgement is yet to come. There's going to be a future Day of Judgement when everything you've ever done and everything you've ever said and everything you've ever thought is going to be brought to light. And God has his computers and he has his cameras, he has it all stacked away. It'll all be brought out, even the thought processes of your mind.

The Lord says, by the Lord, actions are weighed. All the ways of a man are clear in his own eyes. But the Lord weighs the Spirit. The nation, the world tonight is being weighed. You are being weighed in the balances of God. Our sins are great in the eyes of the Lord. And we're being weighed in his balances. And many thinking leaders believe that the handwriting is already on the wall and the judgement is already beginning to take place. But God weighs us as individuals.

How will God judge us?
  1. Ten Commandments
  2. The Law of Love
  3. Jesus Christ
  4. Sins of omission
  5. Missed opportunities 

Ten Commandments
What's he going to weigh us by? What's on the other side of the scales? You see, here's the scales. Here's you, and here's what God weighs you by. First, he'll weigh you by the Ten Commandments. 

How do you stand up with the Ten Commandments? Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. Thou shalt not commit adultery. Thou shalt not steal. Thou shalt not lie. Thou shalt not murder. All of these are taken in the Ten Commandments, and the Bible says if we offend in one point, we are guilty of all. If you've broken one commandment one time in your life, it's the same as breaking all of them.

Well, you say, well, of course I've broken at least one or two of them. Well, then you're guilty of all. And that's the reason the Bible says we're all guilty. That's the reason Jesus said you that are without sin pick up the first stone and throw it at this woman taken in adultery. None of these religious leaders could do it. Because we all have sin. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. And all are under the judgement of God.
The Law of Love
Then not only are we going to be weighed by the Ten Commandments, but we're going to be weighed by the law of love. Matthew 22, Jesus said, ”Thou shall love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind”. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, thou shall love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments, said Jesus, hang all the law and all the teaching of the prophets.  It's all summed up in love.

Do you love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your soul? And do you love your neighbour.
Now, your neighbour means anybody that's in need. Jesus taught that in the Parable of the Good Samaritan. Anyone who's in need, you love that neighbour as much as you love yourself. That's what Jesus said. We're going to be weighed by that law.

Jesus Christ himself
Thirdly, we're going to be weighed by the person of Jesus Christ. The Bible says in Psalm 89, for who in the heaven can be compared unto the Lord?  Who among the sons of the mighty can be likened unto the Lord?  Isaiah said,  To whom will be likened to me  and make me equal and compare me,  that they should be like me. 
God says, be ye holy, for so I am holy.  If you don't know, Jesus Christ was the only righteous and the only holy man that ever lived. And if we don't live like Jesus and live as good as Jesus is, then we come short of God's requirement and God's expectation. And you say, who in the world can live like Jesus? Nobody. That's the reason you all have to say I'm a sinner.

Sins of Omission
God is going to weigh us by Christ. He's going to weigh us by the Ten Commandments. He's going to weigh us by the law of love. But he's also going to weigh you by your works, those sins of omission that you weren't even conscious of.

In Matthew 25, Jesus reminds us, for I was hungered, and you gave me no meat.  I was thirsty.  You didn't give me anything to drink.  I was a stranger, and you didn't take me in.  I was naked, and you didn't clothe me.  I was sick and in prison, and you never came and visited me.  But the people will say Lord, where did we see you naked and sick and in prison and thirsty? Then he answered them this way.  In as much as you did it not to one of the least of these, you did it not to me. 

Now, that strikes every person in this arena. And we come short, and then Jesus pronounced judgement. He said, those that are guilty of the sin of omission, and these shall go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous unto life eternal.

You say, well, I'm sort of devastated. How can any of us weigh up? We can't. Jesus said in Revelation three, I know your works, that you're neither hot nor cold.  I would that you were hot or cold.  So then because you're lukewarm, I’m going to spew you out of my mouth, he said. Listen, there're going to be a lot of people that are going to miss heaven that you think are going to be there.

Missed opportunities
And then fifthly, he's going to weigh us by our opportunities. By our opportunities.  To whom much is given, much shall be required, he said. Think of living in America, with all of its advantages, a church on almost every corner, a Bible in almost every hotel room, millions of Bibles available, the gospel by radio and television. Think of living here. He's going to judge us by the opportunities we had. Think of the Christian literature that's available at bookstores. And we don't take advantage of it. 
To whom much is given, much is required. You say, well, even on that score, I can't make it. No? But the glory of this whole thing is that there is a gospel. And the gospel is good news to people like you who are sitting there saying, well, I'm guilty.

Sacrifice of Jesus on the cross
The good news is that God sent his son Jesus Christ to the cross to die for you. And God took those sins of yours and those failures of yours and laid them on Christ. He became sin for us. Now he said, the just and the righteous are going to get to heaven.

How am I going to get a justness and a righteousness of my own when I don't have him? I'm a sinner. I don't weigh enough to get to heaven. But on the cross, Christ provided a justness for me. He provided a righteousness for me that I didn't have. And I am acceptable tonight by God, not because I've been good or because I've read the Bible or because I've preached to crowds of people. I'm acceptable because of Christ. I'm accepted into the beloved because of him. And that's your privilege at this moment.

You can appropriate what Christ did on the cross to you right now, and you can leave here weighing enough to get to heaven, weighing enough to have your sins forgiven, weighing enough to live a new life. Thou art weighed in the balances of God and found wanting. Are you found wanting?

Judgement of God, how will he judge us? He will judge us by 5 things, Ten Commandments, The Law of Love, Jesus Christ himself, Sins of omission, missed opportunities.
Also read, who is God
Judgement of God how will he judge us Judgement of God how will he judge us Reviewed by blaisepatrick on November 12, 2019 Rating: 5

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